Shing Jea Island - Guild Wars 2 fanart
This was an interesting and fun styletest, one I've always been interested in and took a while to get right. I tried to make it accurate to Shing Jea while also restyling the landmass to remove some of the rectangular-ness intrisic in GW2 maps. So islands have been added and several have been moved to give the landmass more 'flow'. There are a few little secrets to find too
Labels were an interesting one too. I spent ages scouring ingame and out for more examples of Canthan writing. The symbol for the Monastery is 'probably' correct as those are hanging on the banners outside. The symbol for Daigo Ward is either correct - or just says noodles XD. The rest I used the article on non-translatable New Canthan to make labels for areas we currently don't know the names of, and for the ones we do know I used the guide at the end of the New Canthan post to incorporate old Cathan symbols to try and match the meaning/feel of the place.